Knowledge Base

Property Owners Reminded to Remove Snow and Ice from Sidewalks and Paths

Category: Public Works

The Rochester Public Works Department reminds all property owners: “When snow is here, you have 24 hours to clear!”

Why do sidewalks and paths need to be cleared?

Winter can be a difficult time for pedestrians using sidewalks and paths to safely access transit, schools, work, and maintain an active lifestyle. Snow- and ice-covered sidewalks and paths are hazardous to all pedestrians, especially the elderly, disabled and those with medical conditions that impact mobility. We can all do our part this winter to contribute to a safe and mobile pedestrian environment in Rochester.

What are the rules regarding sidewalk snow removal?

Rochester Code of Ordinances 9-6-2 requires property owners with a public sidewalk or path abutting their property to fully remove snow and ice within 24 hours after a snowfall. The full sidewalk width must be free of snow and ice. For pathways wider than a traditional sidewalk, a path that is at least 5 feet wide needs to be cleared. The graphic on page two shows examples of what property owners are required to keep clear of snow and ice in the winter.

How can property owners avoid citations?

The best way for a property owner to avoid a citation and associated service costs is to remove snow and ice from their sidewalk or path within 24 hours after a snowfall. If the Public Works Department receives a complaint that snow and ice have not been removed from a sidewalk or path, the complaint will be investigated. If a violation exists upon inspection, the property owner will receive a $40 Administrative Fine citation and a bill for the cost of removing snow and ice.

Is there salt/sand available for treating sidewalks?

Residents can obtain a bucket of free salt/sand mixture at two locations in town:

  1. Northeast: behind the Fiesta Café in the Northbrook Shopping Center
  2. Southwest: at the end of 1 Avenue SW next to the former site of the YMCA building

Residents must bring their own supplies; the city does not provide buckets/bags or shovels. Residents are encouraged to sweep up any salt and sand left on bare pavement to save it for future reuse and prevent it from running off into nearby waterways.

*Please note this pile will be stocked before the first substantial snow/ice event. If the materials are placed while temperatures are still above freezing, the pile may harden and be difficult to work with.

The City's website has more information about the ordinance and enforcement program.

Examples of Snow Clearing Responsibilities

Property owners are responsible for clearing the segments of sidewalks, paths, and pedestrian ramps abutting their parcel boundaries.

Please consider the following if a special situation applies to your property:

  • Adjacent to a school bus stop or near schools where crossing guards are stationed: Parents and students appreciate a safe walking path to school. Please keep sidewalks and stops clear of snow and ice.
  • Adjacent to a Rochester Public Transit (RPT) bus stop: RPT and its riders appreciate your assistance in keeping the areas around the transit stops and shelters free from snow and ice this winter.
  • Rental Properties: Citations and associated fees relating to violations of the Ordinance are sent to property owners and are their responsibility to pay. Rental contracts, including sidewalk snow removal responsibilities, are private agreements that the Public Works Department does not enforce. The Public Works Department highly recommends clarifying snow removal expectations with your tenants.

Individuals aged 60+ and people with disabilities who need assistance clearing snow can contact Family Service Rochester (507-287-2010) to arrange sidewalk snow removal in advance. There is a sliding-scale fee for this service. People who want to assist someone with sidewalk snow removal can register to volunteer online.


December 2, 2024

Updated 1/9/2025 12:42 PM
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