Knowledge Base

Residential Parking Permits

What are residential parking permits?

Residential Parking Permits are intended to provide relief to neighborhood residents from parked vehicles by people with no association with the residents or businesses in the neighborhood. They are established by Rochester Code of Ordinances Chapter 138A, and allow only residents who have obtained permits to park on city streets within the identified zone during specific hours.

The effective time of Residential Permit Parking Zones will be 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. The effective times may be varied from these standard times only with substantial justification. In no case will the effective time be less than six consecutive hours.

What documents are needed to purchase a residential parking permit?

You are required to present Proof of Residency and Vehicle Registration in order to apply for a Residential Parking Permit (RPP). This should be done at the City Clerk's Office in City Hall.

The following are acceptable documents for Proof of Residency:

Valid Drivers License with current address
OR, current electric/phone/cable bill
OR, lease agreement
Vehicle Registration must have:

License Plate Number
Make, Model, Year of Vehicle

Where can I apply? 

Residential Parking Permit | Rochester, MN

How much do residential parking permits cost?

There is a $33 per year per vehicle permit fee for all new and renewal parking permits. 

Temporary Residential Parking Permits cost $10 and are valid for 30 days. 

Do I need a physical permit on vehicle?

No. Your license plate number is now registered as your RPP (Residential Parking Permit). This makes it essential that you update your permit anytime you have a change to your vehicle or license plate number.

How long is my residential parking permit good for?

One full year from the day of purchase.

What if I have a permit and sell my car?

Contact the City Clerk's Office at 507-328-2900. The vehicle registration information will be needed for the new vehicle.

Service Vehicles can park at your home as long as the service vehicle clearly has a Named Logo on the vehicle. 

Visitors may need a permit: 

If a visitor is coming to your home for less than 14 days:

  1. Create an account on parking permit portal:
  2. Select "Buy Permit" and enter required information. (Parking Zone, Address, Vehicle info, upload documents)
  3. Call City Clerk's Office: 507-328-2900 and let staff know you have selected a temporary parking permit. 

If a visitor is staying between 14 and 30 days, they must purchase a Temporary Parking Permit for $18.

  1. Create an account on parking permit portal:
    • If an account is already created, select "Buy Permit" and enter required information
  2. Select "Buy Permit" and enter required information. (Parking Zone, Address, Vehicle info, upload documents)

  3. Once permit is approved, you will receive an email to pay for the temporary permit

 For questions or assistance please call City Clerk's Office: 507-328-2900

Caregivers: The caregiver may purchase a business permit. They will need to show proof of employment and their vehicle's registration.

Roommates: Each resident must apply for their own permit. Each resident must show proof of residency and vehicle registration.


These cannot be granted a parking permit per city ordinance Sec. 11-6-23:

(b) No person shall park any of the following described vehicles on any street, alley or city-owned public parking lot for more than one hour:

(1)Trucks or motorhomes having an overall length of more than 23 feet, or overall width of more than eight feet.

(2)Dump trucks, tractors, truck-tractors, trailers, boats and boat trailers, semi-trailers or any heavy machinery.

(3)Any truck, trailer or semi-trailer which is being used for the transportation of livestock or has been used for the transportation of livestock and has not been cleaned.

(4)Any vehicle, truck, trailer or semi-trailer which is being used for the display of advertising.

This restriction means it is not eligible for a permit.

For more information please visit: Chapter 11-6 Parking Regulations  or contact the Office of the City Clerk at 507-328-2900.



Updated 2/12/2025 8:10 AM
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