Abandoned Vehicle
To report submit service request Parking Concerns Monday - Friday 8AM - 4PM
After-hours call non-emergency dispatch 507-328-6800
Abandoned Vehicle City of Rochester Ordinance
No person shall place, park, permit to remain, store or leave upon an open space area of any premises located anywhere in the city any motor vehicle unless it conforms with all of the following requirements:
The vehicle must have affixed to it a valid current motor vehicle license;
The vehicle must not lack essential parts that would render it inoperable; and
The vehicle must not be in a rusted, wrecked, partially dismantled or junked condition.
If a motor vehicle fails to meet any of the above requirements, the owner or possessor of the motor vehicle shall be responsible to remove the motor vehicle to a duly licensed junkyard or other authorized place of deposit or storage within ten working days of a demand by the city. In the event the owner or possessor of the motor vehicle cannot be located, then it shall be the responsibility of the owner of the premises to remove the motor vehicle to a duly licensed junkyard or other authorized place of deposit or storage within ten working days of a demand by the city.
For purposes of this section, the term "motor vehicle" means every vehicle which is self-propelled.