Knowledge Base

Lawn Services for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities

Lawn Services for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities

Family Service Rochester provides lawn mowing and yard services for persons who are sixty+ years and for adults with disabilities.

Persons registered with the service have lawns mowed generally every 7 - 10 days depending on growth.

The service is provided by either local volunteers or vendors.

The fee for service is based upon income.

To register for lawn service contact Family Service Rochester at 507-287-2010.

The registration process requires a home visit by an FSR staff person. During the home visit staff explain the service and gathers information necessary to register including income verification to establish the appropriate fee.

Once registration is complete, FSR matches consumers with a volunteer or vendor as appropriate. Consumers are billed monthly for lawn service during that month.

The service must be renewed annually.

Family Services Lawn Service for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Updated 9/24/2024 10:54 AM
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